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With ANA helping arrange free city labor, and neighbors paying the materials, Callejon de la Igualdad got some long-needed repairs in August.
The bridge was widened and a curb added, years after a bad storm had knocked out a good piece of the bridge which was never repaired. The entrance of the Callejon was repaved, a project that has been over 15 years in coming.
Casa Cupula contributed half the cost of materials, and four other Callejon neighbors and ANA Members Rennaissance building, Ron Morgan, Tom Hicks and Tim Hainds contributed the rest so the entire project was completed without ANA funds.
The model of neighbors paying for materials and ANA corralling city labor is a good one that can be used in other areas where neighbors get together to pay materials cost.
Your ANA at work for Amapas.
The battle started a couple years ago – concerned neighbors on Upper Hortencias worried about the tons of concrete weights hanging over their heads and oscillating over the street might fall inflicting lethal damage to potentially anyone, anything.
In July, a group of concerned neighbors made haste at the municipal president’s office urging him to act on our requests. ANA’s persistent administrator Oscar Magaña remitted a formal complaint just days before. That afternoon city officials went to the crane site to leave a citation. The project engineer was personally cited and ANA’s administrator was one of the witnessing parties on the citation.
Mr. Zepeda, a condominium (Las Moradas) administrator took the lead on this issue after the citation was served, and during the thirty days the engineer was given to comply or appeal, Mr. Zepeda – whom had initially raised the issue with city government two years ago- followed up with our requests.
During the first week of August, just days after the term had expired, Mr. Zepeda met with Municipal Judge, who acknowledged the time and effort invested in this and ordered the crane to come down.
Gruas Navarro was commissioned to do the job and lo and behold the crane finally came down.
Look what we can accomplish working together! Your ANA at work.
[English Version] Puerto Vallarta, 30 de Julio de 2014: La Asociación de Vecinos de Amapas, anuncia que su mesa directiva ha votado unánimemente a favor de unir esfuerzos con el Polígono de Desarrollo Controlado del Centro Histórico de Puerto Vallarta (PDC), una nueva agrupación formada por las asociaciones de colonos y propietarios de las colonias del centro y sus alrededores. La misión principal del PDC es colaborar con las entidades de gobierno y otras organizaciones civiles en la promoción del interés general de colonos y residentes de la zona. “La Asociación de Vecinos de Amapas ha crecido casi 10 veces en los últimos cuatro años, hasta alcanzar una membresía de más de 300 asociados, incluyendo a 18 edificios de condominios en la zona de Amapas”, dijo su presidente, el Sr. Tom Swale. “Fuimos elegidos como junta vecinal, lo cual nos otorga el derecho de representar legalmente a nuestros vecinos ante las autoridades. Nuestro interés en luchar por una mejor seguridad, un desarrollo controlado y responsable, una mayor inversión en infraestructura y en servicios públicos, como son la recolección de basura y la protección al ambiente, es compartido por los integrantes del PDC. Estamos muy satisfechos de unirnos a una organización con esa visión de mejoramiento”. “El PDC le da gustosamente la bienvenida a la Asociación de Vecinos de Amapas (ANA) que se convierte en la 5ta. organización vecinal que se incorpora a nuestra agrupación”, dijo Ricardo Simental, coordinador general del PDC. “Juntos, tendremos una mayor fuerza ante las distintas instancias de gobierno para eficientar las acciones e inversiones que se realicen en el centro de Puerto Vallarta, buscando reactivar la actividad económica y turística, y mejorar las condiciones de negocio y de vida para todos los que aman este lugar” Una de las prioridades para las colonias del centro, es desarrollar el plan parcial o programa urbano del Distrito 8, tal como se ha aprobado uno para el Distrito 9, que incluye a la colonia Amapas y fue patrocinado por su asociación (ANA). “Todos debemos procurar y trabajar en coordinación, para que estos ordenamientos se respeten, tanto por parte de los desarrolladores como de las instancias gubernamentales, de manera que podamos conservar el carácter particular de Puerto Vallarta, que ha atraído a tantos hacia este hermoso destino”, dijo Simental. “Buscaremos trabajar mano a mano con ANA para hacer de Vallarta un mejor lugar, ahora y en el futuro, mejorando además nuestro entorno económico y social.” La asociacion no va a afectar operaciones de ANA.
[Version Español] PUERTO VALLARTA JULY 30, 2014: The Amapas Neighborhood Association announced today that its Board has voted unanimously to join forces with the Polígono de Desarrollo Controlado del Centro Histórico de Puerto Vallarta (PDC), a new Association of all Neighborhood Associations in Puerto Vallarta’s central and tourist zones. PDC’s mission is to work with government entities and other civic associations to promote the interests of the combined region business and homeowners.
“The Amapas Neighborhood Association in the last 4 years has grown nearly 10 times to membership of over 300 neighbors, including 18 condo buildings in Amapas,” said President Tom Swale. “We were voted as the official Junta Vecinal which has the legal right by the State of Jalisco to represent neighbors in front of government entities. Our interests in fighting for better security, controlled and responsible development, and investment in infrastructure and government services such as trash collection and ecological protection are the same as our neighbors in the PDC. We are proud to join such a forward looking organization.”
“The PDC is delighted to welcome ANA to be the [5]th neighborhood association to become a part of our organization,” said Ricardo Simental, General Coordinator of the PDC. “Together, we have a stronger voice with various government entities to make sure that we make good investments in Puerto Vallarta’s Centro to improve economic development, tourism, the environment to the benefit of business and homeowners whose heart lies in our neighborhoods.”
One of the first orders of business for the Centro is to develop a Parcial Urban Development Plan or “Plan Parcial” for District 8 such as has been approved for District 9, which includes Amapas and was sponsored by the ANA. “All of us must work together to be sure that these plans are respected by developers and the government, so that we can maintain the special character of Puerto Vallarta which has drawn so many to our beautiful destination in the first place”, said Simental. “We look forward to working together with ANA to make Vallarta even better in the years to come, while enhancing our economic development.”
This alliance does not affect the operations of the ANA operating independently, but as part of PDC we will have a greater voice in city affairs and with government entities.
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