Gardenias Street Work

You may have noticed some new cement curbs and stripes of yellow ‘caution’ paint along the pavement on Calle Gardenias – your ANA at work.

While making those safety improvements, we discovered recent erosion that could undermine a section of pavement between Selvamar and Diane’s landmark palapa-roofed home.  ANA immediately alerted Proteccion Civil, which sent out investigators, and is now preparing an official Dictamen de Riesgo (Official Opinion of Risk).

The Proteccion Civil investigators told ANA representatives that the erosion has been caused by water backing up and overflowing the street because the pipe that is supposed to carry it under the pavement is too small.

They suggested installing a larger pipe, which could then conduct ALL the rainwater into the watercourse below without causing more erosion. Unfortunately, they also said that the City doesn’t have the resources available to make this improvement on its own.

The good news is that the threat to Gardenias does not seem to be immediate, so we have time to act.

This may be another opportunity for the neighbors to work together with ANA in a “50-50-50 Project,” where ANA and affected neighbors (50-50) can share the cost of construction materials and supervision, with ANA managing the project, while the City’s Obras Publicas department provides the labor and machinery (the other 50% of the cost) to get the job done.

Hortensias Paving Project. Fundraiser Update April 12th.

Repaving Hortensias from Highway 200 to La Cima I will benefit everyone who lives on or visits Hortensias  or Gardenias, and improve our property values.

Our announced deadline for funds is April 15, when we will officially inform City Hall that we have the money to pay for our share of the project, but we will continue to raise funds to cover the surprises and opportunities that a major public works improvement project like this inevitably encounter once construction begins.

Be part of the solution!  You can chip in your share and/or check our funding progress at — if you haven’t already made a contribution, please go there now!

Our thanks to everyone who has already pledged or contributed, including:


Vista Romantica
Monte Vista
Brisa Lunar
Las Hortensias
Estrellita del Mar
Vista Amapas
Myrna Brown
Irene Brumbaugh
W. E. Dean
Selva Mar
Tom and Patty Stathopoulos
Rolf Engstrom and Larry Leebens
Lauren Spray and Harvey
Sue Hinves
Bill Ragan
Jeff Marsh
Stuart Schneider
Chris Ryder
Brad Price Kevin Case
David Arpin
Bill and Mary Fellows
Bob & Steve & Ed & Jon
Alan Pyle
John Lance Erikson

Rosemary Sheffield
Tom Swale
Terry & Ron Prill

Vicky Rhyne
Shane Noseworthy
Maria Restrepo Forte


Villas Loma Linda 
Ken Shanoff

BE PART OF THE SOLUTION: If you haven’t already pledged or paid, please do so now!  Contribute at or contact Viviana Teston at or 322-244-0185 to pay by check or make other arrangements.

Hortensias Paving

The Amapas Neighborhood Association (ANA) has been working with Puerto Vallarta’s municipal government to pave cement tracks on Calle Hortensias (entrance to Gardenias and Hortensias condos) from Highway 200 to the fork at La Cima 1. ANA has obtained a commitment from City Hall to provide the labor and equipment – about half the total cost…if  neighbors can raise the funds for materials and project management.

 Our total share of the cost is only $200,000 pesos = about $11,100 USD.

If we share the cost fairly among the 200+ private homes and condo units on Hortensias and Gardenias, we can do this quickly and painlessly.

How It Works

The donor should write a check or contribute cash to the ANA.  ANA will issue a Factura, and – in the unlikely event that we don’t reach our goal, we will inform the participates by April 15th and your money will be fully refunded by the end of April.