by amapaspv | Jun 13, 2017 | Amapas Recycling Program, News | Noticias
Amapas Neighborhood Association started a Recycling Program two years ago. It has been a high learning curve and one that we continue to master.
Monthly we collect around 200 kilos of PET (Polyethylene terephthalate), which is the most commonly recycled plastic (bottles) and about 10 kilos of aluminum. ANA nets about $300 pesos when we sell it. But it costs us $1,000 pesos for each pickup, so we operate the program at a loss. The only way we can continue the program without charging for collection or continuing to run a deficit, is to increase the volume of recyclables we collect by getting more people in member buildings to use our program, or adding more buildings. Either — or both — would be great, but we could use your help.
Not much money as you can see, but it was never ANA’s idea for this recycling project to turn a profit. However, we did think it would be self-funded. Then why did ANA take this on? You may recall two years ago garbage collection was hit and miss. Several collection points in Amapas were overflowing. We knew we couldn’t address the whole issue of garbage collection, so we thought we’d tackle a small part that we could see – plastic water bottles. Regardless of publicity, our confidence in Mexico’s water is lacking so we all purchase the bottles of water – large and small.
Initially, ANA’s intent for the recycling program was to reduce the volume of garbage and to positively impact the environment by removing PET from the landfills. Only recently did we add aluminum to our recycling efforts. A long-term goal is to more effectively sort our garbage so those who wander by the garbage bags looking for items of value (PET, aluminum cans, and other treasures) learn that it is not profitable to do so in Amapas, because we recycle.
What can you do to help? If you participate in the recycling program, please remember these helpful hints.
- Empty the bottles and cans of any beverage or product.
- Separate into PET and aluminum.
- Separate the caps.
- Coordinate with the other residents in your building where to deposit the items for the month.
- Designate individual (resident/administrator/mozo) who will put the recyclables out for pick-up and away from garbage collection. (It just helps reduce confusion.)
Would you like to extend your help to the entire Amapas neighborhood? We could use your help for a couple of hours each month. What would this involve?
- We’ll give you the email addresses of our building contacts.
- Send them a monthly email notifying them of the monthly recycling pick up date. i.e., first Friday of the month.
- Be our contact with the participating buildings.
We’ll take care of the rest. ANA will work with the man with the truck.
ANA does the heavy lifting. You just need to clean and separate the bottles, cans, and caps. Simple, isn’t it?
For more info contact Viviana, ANA’s administrator, at 322 244 0185
or email her:
by amapaspv | Sep 29, 2015 | Amapas Recycling Program, News | Noticias
The Amapas Neighborhood Association (ANA) represents all of the neighborhoods, businesses, and condominiums in all of the Amapas area. Recently, it was reported to us that the trash on several spot specially on the corner of the Carretera 200 and Los Pinos had not been picked up for several days after the September 16th holiday. ANA took action and as of today, September 29th, three garbage trucks hauled it all away.
Here is some background information to help you and your neighbors better understand the situation. A few years ago, the Puerto Vallarta city hall signed a contract with Proactiva, the company hired to pick up the garbage. This was before the mayor of Puerto Vallarta was from the Movimiento Ciudadano party, which is the party of the incoming mayor. There could be many reasons why today all of PV’s citizens suffer from a lack of efficient garbage control. Some people consider it a political issue; while other said it is because the city hall hasn’t paid Proactiva for several months. Regardless, all of us who live in PV have seen and smelled the piles and piles of unsightly and unsanitary garbage growing on the corners for countless days.
What can you do?
- Be aware of the pickup schedule. Did you know the garbage trucks don’t come every day? Their scheduled days for the Amapas Neighborhood are Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings.
- Follow the schedule. Put your garbage in its designated spot just prior to pick up. In this way, we reduce the unsightly piles to a few hours instead of days.
- Don’t put your garbage out when it is raining. Water flows down and eventually into our beautiful Bay of Banderas. Please be mindful of the scheduled garbage pickup days.
- Recycle. We’ve all seen people, pepenadores, who go through the garbage seeking plastic bottles and cans. To do so, they open the garbage bags and make a huge mess. ANA has initiated a plastics recycling program. If we all participate and recycle plastic, the pepenadores will learn it is not profitable to search in the Amapas garbage bags.
- Report. If the garbage truck doesn’t show up on its scheduled days, please call or email ANA and we will report the issue to the authorities seeking immediate action.
- Plant cuttings. The garbage trucks will not pick up trimmings from your lawns or gardens. Either put the plants and leaves in a garbage bag or put them where they can be recycled naturally, but will not interfere with the water drains.
- Lend us your mozo. We will gladly provide your mozo with training and understanding so he/she can help keep the garbage area clean after the garbage truck has left and before their next scheduled pick up. In return, ANA will provide gloves, plastic bags, and any other cleaning supplies he/she might need. We can even provide an extra tip on behalf of ANA.
It’s amazing what we can accomplish when we all work together. By working with ANA and your neighbors, we can keep the Amapas area the beautiful area we love.
Thank you.
by amapaspv | Aug 4, 2015 | Amapas Recycling Program
ANA is keeping Original HP ink and LaserJet cartridges out of landfills by recycling them through the HP Planet Partners program. if you have a HP printer you can Join the effort—HP supplies recycling is free and convenient.
ANA sends packages to HP Planet Partners Program every other month.
More info at:
by amapaspv | Jul 24, 2015 | Amapas Recycling Program
1. R & R & R
Reducing the amount that we consume, is the first step.
Using a water filter and reusable container you can reduce or completely eliminate your need for disposable plastic bottles.
Finding constructive Reuses for “waste” materials is next.
If it’s broken, fix it don’t replace it! If you can, return it to the producer.
Finally recycle; you could set your empty water bottles on the Amapas Recycling Program.
2. Know what you can and can’t recycle.
Read up on the recycling rules for Amapas Recycling Program and make sure you don’t send anything in that can’t be processed. Each city or campaign might has its own specifics, so try to follow those guidelines as best you can.
3. Buy recycled.
The essence of recycling is the cyclical movement of materials through the system,. Supporting recycling means feeding this loop by not only recycling, but also supporting recycled products.
4. Encourage an artist
If you know someone interested in making art from recycled materials, offer to provide supplies. Many school children need items like paper towel tubes for art projects.
5. Support “no profit” organizations.
Amapas Recycling Program included a Separate mini-program of plastic caps recollection, and we deliver to a no profit organization named “Angeles en Libertad”; this no profit organization works helping kids and family on poverty with medicine and medical attention.
6. Recycle your greenery
Composting is one of the simplest and most effective recycling methods. Both your garden cuttings and your green kitchen waste can go into an outdoor or indoor composter.
7. Recycle your robots.
Electronics recycling is becoming more common in many urban areas, battery recycling is very simple, and there are a number of non-profit organizations that will take computer parts and turn them into working computers for others.
8. Become a waste-stream analyst
To better understand the kind of materials that enter and leave your home, office, or School, consider conducting a waste audit. Set a span of time like a week or a month, and separate your waste categories.
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