by Viviana Teston | Apr 21, 2020 | Uncategorized
Your Amapas Neighborhood Association knows that during this hard time worldwide it is important to keep supporting and helping our community. We care about the local families. We want to do our part and need to be here for them.
We are happy to see there are many organizations and individuals doing their part – donating and distributing food baskets.
We have also noticed many of them include items such as rice, beans, milk, cans of tuna, bath soap, toiler paper, crackers, cooking oils. Help ANA PAVE the Way for families and businesses in our local community. For 200 pesos/week, ANA will add to the existing food banks providing families with two deliveries each week – Wednesday is roasted chicken day with tortillas and salsa and on Friday they will receive fruits, vegetables, and eggs. ANA’s goal is to serve 50 families each week at a cost of 10,000 pesos. We know the effectiveness of the quarantine is to make sure families and individuals stay in their homes through May 30th. Beginning today, April 17th there are six weeks until May 30th. Toward that end we need 60,000 pesos to help 50 families for six weeks. We can do this! DONATE!!
Less than a week after posting on Facebook and a direct email to ANA members, we have garnered 73% of the funds we need to provide food to 50 families for 6 weeks.
Why 6 weeks? We began the PAVE the Way program on April 16th. The mandatory quarantine began in Jalisco on Monday, April 20th. At a minimum, it will last until May 30th. That’s how we calculated the six weeks.
Which organization is the Amapas Neighborhood Association (ANA) working with? We have chosen to partner with Caritas, a Catholic Church organization, that has been doing this work for over 15 years. Their mission is to promote and coordinate social works in favor of the poor. They distribute food to the lesser known and poorer colonias such as Playa Grande, Lopez Mateos and Ramblases.
What does the money go towards? For 200 pesos a family will receive a roasted chicken, tortillas, and salsas on Wednesday and then receive fruits, vegetables, and eggs on Fridays. (PAVE = protein and vegetables, extra)
What is ANA doing with the funds? We have negotiated prices and made agreements with a local roasted chicken vendor on Calle Insurgentes and vegetable vendors in the Emiliano Zapata market. ANA Board member, Robin Spencer, will pick up the products and deliver them to one church. Other Caritas volunteers will then take and distribute to the various colonias.
Why didn’t ANA join other organizations? We had a two-fold goal: feed families and help local businesses. By working with a local chicken vendor and produce vendors, we help their families and those employees stay employed and fed. We wanted to have a local impact.
ANA’s goal for 6 weeks and 50 families came to 60,000 pesos. Any amount will make a difference so please contribute what you can. Your 200 pesos goes a long way in Mexico.
11 |
200 pesos |
2,200 |
11 |
2 |
400 pesos |
800 |
4 |
6 |
1000 pesos |
6,000 |
30 |
3 |
1200 pesos |
3,600 |
18 |
4 |
2000 pesos |
8,000 |
40 |
1 |
5000 pesos |
5,000 |
25 |
1 |
20,000 pesos |
20,000 |
100 |
31 |
45,600 pesos |
43,129.88 pesos |
228 |
Help us achieve the rest of our goal!
by Viviana Teston | Apr 16, 2020 | Uncategorized
Thank you for your donation to ANA’s food bank program – PAVE (Protein And Vegetables Etc.).
For 200 pesos each family will receive two baskets a week. Every Wednesday – a roasted chicken with tortillas and salsa.
Every Friday – vegetables, fruits and eggs from a local market.
by Viviana Teston | Apr 7, 2020 | Uncategorized
Protocol of care for people of Mexican nationality and foreigner who are in Mexican national territory in centers of accommodation during the mandatory quarantine by COVID-19
- The hosting industry, including hosting platforms and OTAs will stop receive reservations and will reschedule all reservations during the validity of the “Healthy distance” policy.
- In the case of guests for essential economic activities such as travel business, can have a maximum occupancy of 15% and will require a proof of the company you work for, specifying the branch you are dealing with, so that the lodging center can verify that it is one of the branches exactly as essential activities described in the Official Gazette of the Federation.
- The State Tourism Secretariats in coordination with the National Associations of the hotel industry will define a list of lodging centers destined to focus on all domestic and foreign guests with respiratory symptoms (Hotel COVID) and foreign guests without respiratory symptoms (Hotel NO COVID) in so much recommended hopes the support of your government governments for your process repatriation
- The lodging centers authorized to attend the contingency will be specifically those who have medical service and will maintain communication close with specific health services.
- Members of national associations of the hotel industry are hereby authorized to: for humanitarian reasons, specifically restricted to foreign citizens staying in the facilities of the specific lodging centers.
- The mobilization of people in said accommodation centers during the contingency It will be strictly limited to the rooms in which they are located.
- The lodging centers close their sports and social facilities such as: swimming pools, gyms, spas, restaurants, entertainment centers, business rooms, etc.
- Foreign citizens who are in Mexican national territory in centers of accommodation, obliged to communicate with their diplomatic representations to start your paperwork back home.
- Diplomatic representations and foreign citizens in hosting centers, they will arrange the coverage of the payment of the lodging and food.
- The lodging centers must apply preferential rates to accommodate visitors foreigners in need of isolation for a minimum of 14 days, or until further notice from the health authorities.
- In the case of the personnel who work in the lodging centers, they will be subject to the following provisions:
- People who belong to groups considered to be at higher risk for complications due to COVID-19, they will not be able to work.
- They will be subject to the sanitary labor filter described in the “General Guideline for mitigation and prevention of COVID-19 in closed public spaces”, published in
- The personnel designated to care for the rooms with people Protocol subject to modifications according to health needs suspected of transmission or confirmed of COVID-19 should take the following personal precautionary measures: frequent hand washing, respiratory label, Sanitary labor filter and strict use of personal protective equipment.
- The lodging center must provide its personnel with the protective equipment necessary to provide the service safely: Disposable surgical mask or cloth, disposable latex gloves, disposable or cloth cap, uniform and service Laundry for the uniforms, masks and cloth caps used during their day labor.
- Food for people will be previously defined by the lodging center according to their capacities and supply, and will be supplied in their rooms.
- The lodging center will be in charge of providing basic supplies for the hygiene of people staying: Drinking water, soap, shampoo, disposable tissues, paper Hygienic, towels and linens, at least once a week.
- People who have respiratory symptoms will be isolated preventively in a separate room (except for those who require accompaniment).
- In case any of the people in the lodging centers start with respiratory symptoms, personnel should immediately notify the medical service and state health authorities, according to the “Standardized Guideline for epidemiological and laboratory surveillance of COVID-19 ”.
- When releasing a room that has housed people with suspicion or confirmation of COVID-19, a thorough cleaning and disinfection must be carried out before returning to occupy it with another person.
- The hotels of the Mexican Republic, in compliance with the sanitary measure of “Stay at home”, they will only authorize the accommodation of the aircraft and ship crew that they arrive in Mexico, that they require it.
Disinfection of suspected or confirmed case room.
– The highest surfaces should be cleaned with a cloth / cloth / flannel / towel / slang impregnated with detergent water, avoiding dispersing the powder.
– The walls, windows and doors that include the handles must be cleaned thoroughly regular, as well as when they are visibly dirty.
– Horizontal surfaces that include tables, chairs, beds, shelves or other Installations attached to the wall should be cleaned with a cloth with water with detergent, rinse with clean water and disinfect with chlorinated solution (see more forward technique of the three buckets).
– In the rooms of patients in isolation the same methodology of cleaning, with the personnel having to follow the required precautions (insulation of contact and drops).
– In the event of spills of body fluids on the surfaces, the procedure must be following way: o Put on gloves and cover the surface with paper / absorbent material.
Protocol subject to modifications according to health needs –
o Remove as much dirt.
o Throw away the paper / wash other material.
o Finally, continue cleaning on a regular basis.
- b) Disinfection with chlorinated solution
– A bucket will be filled with warm water and detergent in sufficient quantity to make foam, another with clean water and a third with chlorinated solution.
– In principle, the equipment, walls, will be cleaned with the detergent solution openings and all those elements that need to be cleaned.
– It will then be rinsed with clean water and dried.
– Finally, disinfection will be carried out by direct contact applying on the surfaces, chlorinated solution and will allow to dry.
– The floors will be cleaned applying the same technique previously described.
- c) Routine disinfection
– In each patient room, frequent contact surfaces must be identified (knobs, bed rails, keyboards, telephones, table tops, lamps table)
– These surfaces should be disinfected daily at least once a day, ideally once per turn.
– A cloth impregnated with disinfecting solution or with 70% alcohol.
- d) For a liter of disinfecting solution it is necessary:
– Fill a bottle with a liter of clean water
– Add a coffee tablespoon of commercial bleach
– Cap the bottle and shake
– Label the bottle indicating that it contains chlorinated water
– Let stand 30 minutes before using it
– Store the container in a dark place and out of the reach of children
– This solution can be used for a month to clean surfaces
by Viviana Teston | Apr 3, 2020 | Uncategorized
April 1st, 2020
7 Health Safety Measures
Hi {FIRST_NAME|Valued Customer},
As a result of the conference call we held on March 31st with 12 members of the Amapas Neighborhood Association and condo administrators, we agree to help distribute the official information to all our members coming from Mexico, Jalisco and Puerto Vallarta.
One question brought by the condo administrators was:
The following information provided by the Federal Health Department of Mexico through his sub-director Hugo Lopez Gatell, has been translated hoping to be a tool to condo administrators and residents at this time of contingency.
Amapas Neighborhood Association is committed to sharing only official and confirmed information from official sources such as:,,,
#STAYHOME #QuédateEnCasa
As of March 30, the following measures apply:
1. The suspension until April 30 of non-essential activities in the public, private and social sectors is ordered.
2. In the sectors determined as essential, meetings of more than 50 people should not be held and basic hygiene, prevention and healthy distance measures should always be applied.
3. The entire population residing in Mexican territory is encouraged to comply with the co-responsible domiciliary receipt (voluntary limitation of mobility).
4. Home protection is strictly applied to anyone over 60 years of age, pregnant women, or people with chronic or autoimmune diseases.
5. After April 30, the Health Secretariats, in coordination with the Labor and Economy Secretariats, will issue guidelines for the gradual resumption of activities.
6. All censuses and surveys are postponed until further notice.
7. All measures must be applied with strict adherence and respect for human rights.
To face the coronavirus we need your cooperation.
a) Those that are directly necessary to attend the health emergency, such as:
the labor activities of the medical, paramedical, administrative and support branches throughout the health sector, public and private.
those who participate in its supply, services and supply, among which stand out:
the pharmaceutical sector both in its production and its distribution (pharmacies);
b) Those involved in:
public safety and citizen protection; in the defense of integrity and national sovereignty;
the procurement and impartation of justice, legislative activity at the federal and state levels.
c) The sectors considered essential for the fundamental functioning of the economy:
financial, that of tax collection, distribution and sale of energy, gas and gas stations, generation and distribution of drinking water, food and non-alcoholic beverages industry, food markets, supermarkets, self-service stores, grocery and prepared food sales; passenger and cargo transportation services; … telecommunications and the media, private emergency services,
funeral and burial services,…logistics (airports, ports and railways), as well as activities whose suspension may have irreversible effects for its continuation.
d) The operation of government social programs.
e) The conservation and maintenance of critical infrastructure that ensures the production and distribution of essential services:
drinking water, electric power, gas, petroleum,
gasoline, jet fuel, basic sanitation, public transport, first level hospital and medical infrastructure; among others that could be defined under this category.
Office line: (322) 223-8312
whattsapp: (322) 244-0185
by Viviana Teston | Jan 28, 2020 | Uncategorized
Based on the bylaws of its constitutive, by means of this notice all members are summoned to a GENERAL MEETING which will take place at Incanto, Insurgentes 109, Emiliano Zapata Puerto Vallarta on February 20th, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. if required quorum can´t be reached, then a second call shall convene at 11:30 a.m. Find attached the oficial call.
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