by amapaspv | Oct 26, 2013 | Uncategorized

Click on this photo to see a slideshow of all the event’s photos.
ANA’s Season Kick-off event at Casa Cupula’s Taste Restaurant and poolside, made quite a splash last Thursday, when more than 40 members and guests got together to catch up on everybody’s summer, raise a glass (or two) and sample complimentary tapas from Taste’s new chef, Juan Pablo Luna.
Everybody gathered inside for a Q&A with Board members Gene Mendoza, Don Pickens and Tom Swale, and ANA Administrator Jae Palsce, who fielded questions on Pinnacle 2, the Amapas Police Patrol, how recent changes at City Hall have affected our ability to get things done, a possibly unpermitted addition to a condo building, and improvements on neighborhood stairs and walkways that get us down the hills, into town and to the beach.
After a brief shower of humidity-decreasing rain, the well-attended party spilled out onto the pool area, where performers from Act II’s upcoming production of ‘A Chorus Line’ treated the crowd to a rousing rendition of ‘What I Did For Love’ – can’t wait for the show to open!
Next Friendraiser is Friday November 15 at Fusion Gourmet Restaurant. Prior to the cocktail, US Consul Kelly Trainor will be on hand for a Q&A from 5-6pm.
by amapaspv | Oct 7, 2013 | News | Noticias
The Amapas Neighborhood Association is pleased to welcome many of our seasonal members back to Puerto Vallarta. And for full time residents, it’s time for a Friendraiser! To start off the season, Taste Restaurant at Casa Cupula (an ANA Business Sponsor) will host this event, offering complimentary use of the space and finger food to ANA members. Half the profits from wine and drink sales will be donated to ANA, and members can stay for dinner and use their 10% ANA discount.
Want to catch up on business as well as pleasure? Come for an informal Q&A session with Board members from 5-6pm and learn about what’s been going on in this past summer.
There’s (limited) parking on Callejon de la Igualdad – so you might
consider car-pooling or cabbing with friends or other members…or you can elevate down from Hortensias! If you live on Calle Hortensias, or drive over and park there, Renaissance Condominium – #145 – will open its doors and elevators for your
convenience! From 4:45 to 7:15, you can enter on Hortensias and take the
elevator down to the pool level. Cross to the other elevator and take it
down to the lower entrance, where you can walk down the drive and across the
callejon to Casa Cupula’s lower entrance! From 7:15 to 8:15, Genaro will
be manning the lower entrance, so you can make the return ride back up to
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