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December 19, 2013, PUERTO VALLARTA Mexico: Today Amapas Neighborhood Association and Junta Vecinal President Tom Swale met with Public Security Subdirector Ernesto Ojinaga Ruiz to discuss security concerns of the Amapas neighborhood, and gained significant police commitments for enhancing security immediately.
Gene Mendoza, Board Member responsible for Security, and Board Member and TaxiSafe co-Founder Don Pickens, also expressed their concern about how the current shortage of Police vehicles has led to the Amapas patrol car being used outside of neighborhood boundaries. Recently a break-in in the neighborhood at Las Moradas led to an increased level of concern among members.
With helpful translation by Comandante Juan Vilavazo of Transito, and participation by Officer Everardo “Tigre” Rubio, the ANA’s concerns were answered by Ojinaga:
In the past two weeks, three night-time break-ins have been reported in Amapas. Burglars broke sliding glass door locks in units of an upper Gardenias condo development; with minor theft. A second burglary reportedly netted a laptop and cellphone from a third-floor unit in a Hortensias condo — entry apparently through an open terrace door. So be aware. Take care. Take the time to file an official police report. And keep ANA ‘in the loop’ so we can keep the neighborhood informed.
In a ‘one-woman show’, U.S. Consular Agent for Vallarta-Nayarit Kelly Trainor impressed the near-capacity crowd on the rooftop terrace of Fusion Gourmet when she spoke at the ANA Fall Friendraiser in November at Fusion Gourmet Restaurant.
The evening’s big take-away: We should all sign up for “STEP” – the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program — a free service provided to U.S. citizens who are traveling to, or living in, a foreign country.
STEP allows Americans residing abroad to get routine information from the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate, and helps the Department of State keep track of your whereabouts to better assist you in case of an emergency.
Enroll at:
Equally funny and informative, Kelly’s topics ranged from whether ex-pats need to sign up for ‘Obamacare’ (it can depend on the address you use when filing a tax return) to advice on ‘nationalizing’ a foreign-plated car, and her ‘race for the border’ to nationalize her own car.
Around 40 ANA members and guests enjoyed wine and tasty complimentary finger-food from Board member and host Gene Mendoza’s kitchen, and many stayed for dinner, ordering from Fusion Gourmet’s new menu.
Kelly Trainor can be reached at
‘Christmas in Paradise’ Came Early This Year!
More than 80 members and guests met and mingled, enjoyed cocktails, live entertainment and great finger-food, and contributed checks and pledges totaling over $100,000 pesos in support of ANA’s 2014 projects and goals!
All in – contributions, pledges, new memberships and renewals – the evening grossed $9,200USD, or $115,000 pesos in ‘targeted giving’ to achieve Visto Bueno for the Association, to build a Legal Defense Fund in support of Responsible Development, finance new street and highway signs, and provide additional trash collection containers for the colonia.
Friday, December 6, Horizon’s North Lobby was decked out for the holidays, its four huge indoor palms dripping with red and gold ornaments, as a dozen ‘ANA Elves’ sporting red Santa hats served drinks and an endless array of tasty ‘finger-food’ provided by NU Restaurant. Adding to the classy holiday-party ambiance were The Yorks – Steve and Lisa – who provided pleasant instrumental and vocal background as everybody met, mingled, and took in another amazing Puerto Vallarta sunset from Horizon’s expansive pool deck.
The evening’s theme – “Christmas In Paradise” – continued in a showy duet by local vocal talents Ryan Ragazzi and Bob Bruneau, extolling the beauties and charms of Puerto Vallarta…and setting up ANA’s Power Point presentation.
The “How do we stay ‘Amapas’, and not become ‘Acapulco’?” was the question of the night. The ANA Board’s answer: Get ‘ahead of the Development curve’ by achieving Visto Bueno for the Association, ensuring a strong local voice at the table to ensure that new development preserves what attracted us all here, and respects the existing neighborhood & the neighbors. And create a Legal Fund to defend enforcement of the Plan Parcial, while also financing smaller, immediate projects, such as new highway and street signs and new trash collection containers for the beach, business, and residential areas.
Earlier, a small group of dedicated ANA members donated $2,500 USD, which guests were challenged to match. Encouraged by Board member Gene Mendoza and new member Alex Martinez (Avalon), the enthusiastic crowd quickly stepped up and met the challenge, bringing the total to $60,000pesos. In less than half an hour, party-goers proceeded to add another $40,000 pesos, mostly in checks and pledges, meeting the Fall Fundraiser goal. John Zey (La Cima I), also ‘passed a hat’, collecting an additional $364US and Canadian Dollars in cash contributions – a great evening, and a historic success in every way!
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Looking for a saucy antidote to holiday wholesomeness? Join your neighbors in being scandalized by the hit holiday dragstravaganza, “Oy Vey in a Manger” by North America’s Favorite Dragapella Beautyshop Quartet, The Kinsey SIcks. Come watch the gals try to sell off their manger – yes, that manger – before it’s foreclosed upon. Crises arise, secrets are revealed, Jewish-Gentile tensions surface, and mayhem ensues – all in glorious harmony. The Kinsey Sicks have been praised by The New York Times for their “Voices sweet as birdsong” and by Variety as “inventive…riotously funny..sublime.” General Admission seats normally costs 300 pesos, but ANA members can buy tickets for only 240 pesos for the show on Thursday December 19! Plus, The Kinsey Sicks have agreed to donate 10% of the ticket price to the ANA. So you can have fun, meet neighbors, save money, and contribute to the ANA all at the same time!
The show is at 7:30 in the Red Room Cabaret of Act II Entertainment, at the corner of Basillo Badillo and Insurgentes (above Wings Army) in the Zona Romantica. To get your ANA discount, go to and type in the discount code “Amapas”. You can also buy tickets at the Box Office of Act II Entertainment, open daily from 6 pm. We recommend that you get your tickets soon, as the show is likely to sell out! Note: Any resemblance between Rachel (The Kinsey Sicks’ most foul-mouthed performer and chief lyricist) and respectable ANA Board Member Ben Schatz is strictly coincidental and potentially libelous! |
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