by amapaspv | Jan 23, 2014 | News | Noticias, Security | Seguridad, Uncategorized
23 JANUARY 2014 Puerto Vallarta: On January 11, the Amapas Police Patrol car was totaled in a police chase.
The car, owned by the Amapas Neighborhood Association, was purchased with member contributions in June, 2012, and has been maintained with ANA funds. During its 18 months of service, break-ins throughout Amapas declined dramatically. The car patrolled Amapas 24/7 under a contract with the City, which promised to man it with two officers, gas and insure it.
Unfortunately, due to financial problems, the City had allowed its insurance on police cars to lapse. This means that neither the ANA car, nor other police patrols that are damaged are being put back in service.
The ANA is negotiating with the city for an in-kind settlement of value for the car in benefits for the neighborhood. However, now there are no police cars to patrol Amapas.
Your Neighborhood Association has stepped up to this crisis by contracting with SEPEPSA – a well-recognized and effective local Security company – to provide an interim Amapas Security Patrol beginning today.
The Amapas Security Patrol will operate nightly, cruising all our streets. The driver will speak English, be in radio contact with Police HQ so it can call for official backup and law enforcement. It will also carry a cellphone, so ANA members and contributors can call it directly, in case of emergency. (ANA 2014 members may obtain the number by writing to
The cost to the ANA for this emergency Security patrol will be approximately $25,000 pesos a month, for a total of $75,000 pesos for the three month period before new police cars are expected to arrive for the city. At the ANA’s Annual Meeting last Friday, generous members approved this expenditure and contributed an amazing $42,000 pesos in cash and pledges, leaving an additional $33,000 to be raised through additional contributions by members and neighbors.
Everybody in Amapas benefits from this new Amapas Private Security Patrol. Anything you can contribute will help:
ONLINE: contribute your share online at Just type “ANA Security Patrol” in the “what you are paying for” box, enter the amount in dollars you wish to contribute, and pay with your U.S. credit card. The site is secure, and you’ll receive an e-receipt, along with our thanks.
You can email your pledge to – we’ll get in touch with you and make arrangements to donate via cash or Mexican check to the ANA.
by amapaspv | Jan 11, 2014 | News | Noticias, Security | Seguridad
PUERTO VALLARTA January 9, 2014: The Amapas Neighborhood Association was notified today by Puerto Vallarta Municipal Police Comandante Felipe Camacho that Patrol Car PV-170 which was purchased by the Amapas Neighborhood Association and was by contract to be dedicated to patrolling the Amapas neighborhood, was totaled in a crash by police today.
According to this article, apparently the car met its untimely end when police officers were chasing a kidnapping suspect in the Versailles neighborhood and the car crashed into a pole after hitting another car. According to the article sadly four policemen Cesar Armando Guadiana, Epigmenio Simón Cecilio and Jorge Armando Alcaraz Briseño were injured and reported taken to the hospital but are in stable condition although the assailants escaped.
The car has been used by the police for some time outside of the Amapas boundaries, despite the protestations of the ANA Board, because the city is short of patrol cars. Subdirector of Police Ernesto Ojinaga promised the ANA Board that new cars would be operational in Puerto Vallarta by year’s end, and that two cars would be dedicated to patrol Amapas in addition to the return of PV-170. However, as of this date no police cars have yet been delivered to the city, although they are still due “any day now.”
By contract with the city the car is to be insured by the city, and the ANA Board is beginning legal inquiries to find out about the disposition of value of the vehicle to the ANA. As this is a new development and investigations are in progress, the ANA Board cannot yet decide on next steps, but expects to report on this topic to the members at the general meeting on Friday, January 17, 2014 at 10 am at Paradise Community Center.
by amapaspv | Jan 3, 2014 | Development, News | Noticias

View from Brisa Lunar
In June the Amapas Neighborhood Association and Junta Vecinal became aware of a new proposed condominium “Azure”, whose proposed height would adversely affect property values at current members Brisa Lunar and Monte Vista. The ANA contacted the Jalisco State Prosecutor’s Office in Guadalajara, requesting a review of the permit and any appropriate legal action.
In what we believe is a first in Amapas, The Prosecutor’s Office (PRODEUR) recently served notice that it had annulled ‘Azure’s construction license.
The Amapas Neighborhood Association and Junta Vecinal support responsible development in Amapas. It is however, our mission to fight out of control development whenever possible: when developers blow through established laws or restrictions, in a single-minded effort to make more money from a lot. This hurts the neighborhood because of buildings which are out of scale, too tall, too big on the lot, or both. We lose our character, our views, increase density beyond what the hills can support, and create ecological challenges regarding drainage, sewer and water capacity, green space and landslides. Problems with traffic and access to the hills in the event of emergencies are also compromised.
Anything that goes up on that land now will need a new permit, subject to the Plan Parcial, which requires a smaller building footprint, greater greenspace, off-street parking, and new height and density limits.
This is an ongoing problem and a major reason why the ANA is seeking to obtain a “Visto Bueno” (pre-approval of all permits) authority for Amapas. The fight continues.
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