by amapaspv | May 29, 2014 | Uncategorized
In recognition of your amazing responsiveness to our Association’s needs, your Board has added a new top tier to the levels of financial support recognized on our Wall. It’s called AMAPAS BENEFACTOR, and recognizes individuals and organizations that give $50,000 pesos or more in support of the ANA’s goals and projects.
Unlike other levels, which are tracked and renewed annually, the Amapas Benefactor tier accumulates over time, and may reflect contributions over many years, or – as in the case of our first (and, for now, only) Amapas Benefactor, Jim Gabbert – contributions provided in the space of just a single year.
Last year, Jim volunteered the $1,000 USD that was the sparkplug for December’s ‘Matching Challenge’ at our Horizon Fundraiser. And his commitment at the Tropicana this March racked up another $39,590 pesos in matching Responsible Development funds, for a total of $52,590 pesos.
Congratulations on becoming our first Amapas Benefactor, Jim, and thanks for your commitment, leadership and support!
by amapaspv | May 29, 2014 | News | Noticias
In October of last year, the ANA, concerned about issues of size, density and height of the proposed Sayan 2, requested that PRODEUR investigate the project and take whatever legal actions it deemed appropriate.
After reviewing documents from Puerto Vallarta’s Planning Department, PRODEUR filed a lawsuit in Jalisco State Administrative Court challenging the license and asking that it be annulled, and Sayan 2 be demolished.
Sayan 2 received its construction license from City Planning the day before the District 9 Plan Parcial was voted into law by the Puerto Vallarta City Council, so PRODEUR’s lawsuit involves the zoning rules of the Jalisco Urban Code, not the Amapas Plan Parcial.
The ANA has been named as a ‘third party helper’ in the suit, and we’ll be monitoring its progress.
Thanks to the generous contributions of our members, we now have an experienced and well-respected lawyer advising us and helping to move things along. We’ll be reporting on progress in any of the three lawsuits as it happens.
by amapaspv | May 29, 2014 | Uncategorized
In little more than a month, the Amapas Junta Vecinal pulled off an amazing feat of organization, publicity and execution when it staged the first-ever “Pulpito Drag Derby” – a fun event for the entire community, attracting local families and children, as well as a crowd of ex-pat residents and visitors, many in town for the Vallarta Pride weekend. While the Drag Derby wasn’t officially part of Vallarta Pride, its carnival atmosphere, 9 contestants in high heels and a wide & wild variety of drag styles and outfits fit right in!
The Derby, which got underway about six o’clock, started and finished in view of the excited crowd gathered at the foot of the Pinnacle Stairs, where a big white tent and a mass of pink and white balloons marked the platform. Pulptito was spotless for the occasion, and an audio setup featuring multiple speakers provided music and clear amplification throughout.
The entire event was entertainingly M.C.’d in English and Spanish by Mexican celebrity television performer/entertainer Super Mana and local personality Juan Pablo Hernandez, who encouraged the crowd and accompanied the drag contestants’ competitive antics with equally colorful running commentary.
Contestants were judged on the basis of fastest time, Glamor, Appearance (hair, makeup and wardrobe) and Crowd Appeal.
The winners were announced at The Palm following the close and hotly contested race, with the top three places separated by a single point. When the dust – and the glitter – settled, First Prize and $5,000 pesos went to crowd favorite Catherinne; Second Prize and $1,500 pesos went to musically named Mari-Achi, and Third Prize and $1,000 pesos went to Angie Star. Each winner also received a handsome trophy plaque commemorating her victory.
Following the awards presentation before a packed and spirited crowd at The Palm, Super Mana performed with The Drag Kings. Then everybody headed down to Mantamar for the official opening of Vallarta Pride.
While organized by the Amapas Junta Vecinal under the leadership of local business owners Javier Jimenez and Morgan Granander, the Derby quickly attracted a dozen community-boosting Sponsors who provided financial backing. The Amapas Neighborhood Association contributed the $5,000 peso First Prize ‘purse’. Other Sponsors – The Swedes, Garbo, Coco’s Kitchen, Maia Restaurant, #116 Pulpito Gastro Bar, NU global tapas, Salud Super Food, Sama Martini Bar, “R” Salon, and Ron Morgan Properties and Tropicasa Realty –contributed $2,500 pesos each to launch the ‘first annual’ effort, with GayPV contributing design and photo-coverage, and The Palm donating the Super Mana Show venue.
PV Bomberos were present throughout, in case of a twisted ankle or a tumble down the stairs, and Transito patrolmen – with the help of seven ‘uniformed’ exotic dancers from Wet – controlled traffic and helped the contestants safely down the Pinnacle stairs and across streets.
Special thanks go to our Celebrity Judges Tim Longpre, Julie Guerrero, Christian Serrano, and Miss Beverly Fairfax and Miss Eartha Quake – both of whom looked faaaaabulous for the occasion, appropriate for judging Crowd Appeal and Appearance, respectively.
With the help of volunteers who sold drinks and T-shirts, and took bets on the race, funds totaling about $40,000 pesos were raised.
A dozen spectators placed winning bets, receiving up to three times the value of their bet in ‘Pulpito Pesos’ – good for food and drinks at the Sponsors’ bars and restaurants.
Drag Derby proceeds will purchase materials for new planters, street lights and other improvements planned for Pulpito Plaza, coordinated by the Amapas Junta Vecinal, in partnership with the City – Obras Publicas will be expediting permits and supporting the project with skilled labor.
(For more on the Amapas Junta Vecinal and Pulpito Plaza, CLICK here.)
The Derby has also helped ‘brand’ the intersection as “Pulpito Plaza” – a ‘gateway’ for the Amapas bar, restaurant and business area – and created a greater sense of community and local identity.
Viva la Fiesta! Let’s make this an annual event, and do it again next year!
(To see more Pulpito Drag Derby 2014 photos, CLICK here.)
by amapaspv | May 20, 2014 | Uncategorized

A benefit to raise funds for the beautification of our Púlpito Street.
Drag Queens will do the racing; YOU place your bets on which one will win!
Funds will go forward the construction of the Púlpito Plaza Project.
The street will be closed from 5pm, when we’ll start selling Rainbow Punch and Betting Tickets. We estimate the race itself to take about half an hour…and about half an hour after that, the Super Mana Show will get underway at The Palm.
FYI, speed is only part of the winning formula — constestants will also be judged on Glamor, Appearance and Crowd Appeal — yes, it’s just like high school, but with high heels and lots (and lots) of makeup!
Winners will be announced at the start of the Super Mana Show, where we’ll present $5K pesos to the winner, $1,500 for second place, and $1,000 pesos for third, plus other awards & prizes for Fastest Time, Miss Congeniality, Miss Come From Behind, etc.
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