by amapaspv | Mar 23, 2016 | News | Noticias, Uncategorized
At 4 o’clock of March 16th. 2016, workers completed installation on the first of three new planters in Pulpito Plaza – the intersection of Pulpito and Olas Altas, at the foot of the Pinnacle funicular.
The planter now sports two beautiful mature palms, illuminated by three industrial-strength up-lights, and attractive groundcover. We’ll also be adding colorful flowers.
With the approval of City Hall and the support of neighbors, we hope to be completing the other two planters soon.
Sprucing up Pulpito Plaza creates an attractive ‘gateway’ to Amapas’ Beach and Business area – both day and night – and, if a popular success, could serve as a model for other improvements along our streets and sidewalks.
The planters, along with attractive new wall-mounted street lights and decorative trash containers, are the result of ANA’s ongoing partnership with City Hall, and funded by proceeds from the Pulpito Drag Derby, a popular event that has kicked off Vallarta Pride for two years running, and will take place again this year on Thursday, May 26 – so mark your calendars!
Generous donors have contributed over $60,000 pesos for the palms, plants and landscape lighting, and we’ll be adding tile plaques to commemorate their gifts.
by amapaspv | Mar 23, 2016 | Events, Security | Seguridad, Uncategorized
At 1 PM of last March 16th., Mayor Arturo Davalos cut the ceremonial orange ribbon, officially opening La Casita for service to the South Side as a dozen high-ranking City officials, members of the ANA Board, and ANA member-contributors looked on.
La Casita will act as a substation for 24/7 emergency services – police, fire and ambulance – from Amapas, south to Boca de Tomatlan, substantially reducing response-time for our area.
Long in the planning, the City had the white-washed, red tile-roofed bungalow on Highway 200 and the manpower to staff it… but not the money for furniture and equipment to support round-the-clock services.
So the ANA, its members, friends and neighbors, including Conchas Chinas, got together and raised over $8,000 USD = $135,000 pesos to buy office furniture, a Pullman kitchen (complete with refrigerator & coffee maker), bunk beds, mattresses and sheets, tables and chairs. We even stocked the fridge!
A well-attended fundraising party at ANA Board member Gene Mendoza’s Fusion Restaurant – with 50% of all food and beverage sales, and 100% of everything else, going to the cause – included the ‘adoption’ of various items by good-hearted donors. A good time was had by all, including a number of Bomberos, but ANA also opened a website so people who couldn’t attend the party were still able to make online donations.
Mayor Davalos was generous in his thanks and praise for the ANA’s efforts, and we look forward to continuing our partnership with City Hall on other projects that benefit Amapas.
ANA plans to continue supporting our police and Bomberos with needed equipment, so it’s not too late to make a contribution. You can go online to — or contact Viviana at or our office phone 322-244-0185.
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