by amapaspv | Jun 14, 2016 | News | Noticias
Our top priorities this summer are:
Addressing the erosion that threatens Los Pinos. We are working with Proteccion Civil, Obras Publicas and the property owner, to achieve temporary protection to get us through the summer rains, and a permanent, long-term solution to shore up the street for good.
- Repaving Hortensias. Thanks to our generous members and neighbors, we have raised $200,000 pesos for construction materials, and are working with Obras Publicas to schedule the work.
- Improving Trash Containment/Building Containment Boxes. We are working with both residential and business owners to put three or four closed containers on the streets to keep black-bagged trash out of sight and ‘out of smell’ between regular trash collection pickups.
- Amending, Improving & Reauthorizing District 9’s Plan Parcial. We are working with independent experts and members of the Planning Department to improve and reauthorize the Plan Parcial, originally passed into law in 2012, to improve responsible development in Amapas.
All these neighborhood priorities require the permission, cooperation and support of City Hall for successful completion. Your Board has worked hard to foster good working relationships with City officials. We’ll do our best to turn that hard-earned goodwill into progress on our four big priorities.
by amapaspv | Jun 14, 2016 | Events
The third annual Pulpito Drag Derby, kicking off the big Vallarta Pride/Memorial Day weekend, featured 16 high-heeled Drag Contestants competing for $8,000 pesos in cash prizes as they raced up and down Pulpito sidewalks and tackled 7 wacky Challenges. Angie Star, sponsored by Coco’s Kitchen, won the Pinnacle Resorts First Place check for $5,000 pesos – for the second straight year. La Morena, sponsored by La Noche, took 2nd place for $2,000, and Blondies’ Karla Fifi finished third, taking home $1,000 pesos.
The event, hosted at a brisk and hilarious pace by Mexico City-based comedian/drag chanteuse Hugo Blanquet and co-hosted by local real estate star Marc Serrao, began with a Wet T-Shirt Contest (Men’s Division). Ten strapping young men in tight white T-shirts rode ‘Max,’ the Mechanical Bull, to the delight of some 2,000 spectators, were hosed down in the Pose Down, soaking their t-shirts (some of which had to be removed), as they were judged for ‘Hotness, Wetness, Physicality, Personality and Physicality.’ The three judge panel declared Brandon Karim the Wet T-Shirt Winner.
A thoroughly mixed crowd of Norteno visitors and Nationals filled Pulpito Plaza – the intersection of Pulpito and Olas Altas – buying souvenir t-shirts and betting on the Derby contestants. Bets placed on the winner won three times their face-value in Pulpito Pesos, good for food and drink at many local bars and restaurants.
Our special thanks to our sponsors, and the two dozen ANA members and neighbors – you know who you are – who volunteered their time and energy to run the Derby, manage the stage, wrangle the contestants, judge the events, and sell bets, beer and t-shirts!
Thanks to many generous sponsors and great crowd participation, this year’s Derby netted $50,200 pesos for street improvements and lighting in the Pulpito area, plus an additional $5,000 pesos to local charity SETAC.

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