by amapaspv | Oct 18, 2016 | Uncategorized

Members of the ANA Board met this month with their counterparts in neighboring Emiliano Zapata, along with Tourism Director, Dr. Ramon Gonzalez Lomeli with the object of working together on projects of mutual interest, including beach certification, street and trash collection improvements, and this year’s World’s Most Beautiful Beaches convocation, which will include city-wide celebrations of Dia de Los Muertos on October 31.
by amapaspv | Oct 14, 2016 | Events, Junta Vecinal, News | Noticias

Last month, ANA’s president and administrator met with their counterparts in El Centro – the heart of the Romantic Zone – to open lines of communication and find ways to work together on common problems.
While not quite next-door neighbors, our two associations have common interests and similar problems. Working together makes our voices louder.
by amapaspv | Oct 14, 2016 | News | Noticias, Security | Seguridad, Street

Last month, ANA worked with affected neighbors to keep Calle Gardenias and Callejon de la Igualdad both clean and passable.
Gardenias had a major rock-and-mud spill, the result of too much rain and too little drainage. Once Proteccion Civil cleared the road, ANA and Las Moradas Condominium partnered to clean the street and clear the clogged drainage channels and culvert to keep the problem from repeating.
In the Callejon, debris left in the wake of an overturned water truck was removed, and the street cleaned up by ANA in partnership with Casa Cupula.
Sharing the cost and the benefit. Getting things done for Amapas.
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