A new cement sidewalk, complete with safety curb and slough wall, now runs along a stretch of Highway 200, across from Paramount Bay.
Despite the yellow warning tape, neighbors, renters and local workers were already walking on our fresh cement almost before it was dry.
Construction began on November 21, following a summer of torrential rains. Our City crew, under the supervision of ANA Project Manager Fernando Hernandez, finished the work to highly professional standards on December 15.
Thanks to our generous contributors, we raised almost $100,000 pesos for Phase One. The funds were kept and accounted for separately, and a detailed financial report was sent to all contributors.
Total costs were $125,885.35 pesos, an overage of $28,445.45, much of which was the result of inflation during the summer due to increased gas prices. ANA covered the additional Phase One costs from its other funds.
The Vallarta Garden Club has agreed to help beautify our new sidewalk by planting and maintaining creeping vines behind the new slough wall.
Apparently, City Hall likes what we’ve done. Public Works has already given us a verbal commitment to continue with Phase 2 ‘same time, next year’ …assuming we can raise the funds for materials and labor.
Fundraising for Phase 2 will begin soon
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