2019 September eNewsletter
It’s September and your ANA has been quite busy during Hot Season. We’ve had monthly meetings with the Police Commissioner and there are no security alerts to report. Great news! The ANA Board has met each month to work on its Five Year Plan and organize the upcoming High Season’s events. An Auction Procurement Committee was established under the leadership of Joyce Ericson, ANA member and Sayan resident. The third annual ANA Business Brochure is ready for layout and will be distributed in October. The Pilitas Stairs Project is completed and now needs the beautification aspect applied.
In our last formal ENewsletter we briefly alluded to ANA’s Five Year Plan. Now that we have seven full ANA Board members on board we have been able to flesh out the details.
- Number One Priority: Safety of self and property
- Number Two and Three Priorities: Responsible Development/Infrastructure
- Number Four Priority: Community
Here is an outline that identifies and explains what we plan on doing over the next year (2019–2020) to address the priorities identified by our membership.
Goal 1: Increase the safety and security of Colonia Amapas to improve the quality of life of all residents and visitors.
In order to achieve Goal 1, ANA will:
- Establish a Security Council representing full building members and individuals.
- Determine feasibility of a shared system of security information.
- Determine ability to share data of criminal events.
- Identify specific locations needing increased lighting.
- Increase signage on highway for safety.
- Maintain lobbying efforts between neighbors, city, and state.
Goal 2: The sanitation of Colonia Amapas will be improved by better-quality trash containers, an increased recycling plan, as well as maintenance and servicing of current trash containment areas.
In order to achieve Goal 2, ANA will:
- Select and/or design an improved trash containment receptacle to meet demands of residents.
- Identify location and installation of new receptacles with signage. Install.
These goals are to be accomplished by ANA working on your behalf with the City of Puerto Vallarta and its agencies.
The Los Muertos beach area is the heart and soul of Puerto Vallarta. Every day the beach is visited by thousands of people—many of whom only leave their footprints on the sand. Some, however, fail to pick up the trash associated with a visit to the beach.
We’re all here because of the beach and the ocean. They are the life-blood of our costal community. Would you like to be a part of the initial group of concerned citizens, high school students, local businesses, and City officials to clean up Los Muertos Beach? Join us on Saturday, September 21st—the International Day of Clean Beaches—and let’s make a difference.
This concerned group of people will target the trash from three fronts on Los Muertos Beach —the arches of the Malecon from the North, the Caballito statue from the far South, and Blue Shrimp to La Palapa in the middle. On this first beach clean-up effort, ANA will establish the standards we expect to see at all times on our beloved Los Muertos beach.
That’s right! This will not be a one-shot deal where we all get to feel good for a day. This is going to be a monthly effort so if you’re not available this time, then you can join us at a later date.
The Amapas Neighborhood Association, along with Puerto Vallarta’s city departments of ecology, public sanitation, youth institute, and tourism, and the restaurants Si Señor and Blue Shrimp are the initial organizers working together to implement this Clean Beach Project. Some of the details include:
- Conduct periodic clean up events with volunteers.
- Install proper garbage containers according to the rules for blue flag/white flag certification.
- Ensure local restaurants and hotels become responsible for their own areas.
- Develop visitor’s education.
Our goal is to develop responsible behavior and shared ownership towards maintaining the quality of our beach. Toward that end, the City’s ecology department has identified the best spots to install garbage containers. The department of tourism and ANA are working to contact the restaurants and hotels along Los Muertos to commit to the success of this project by taking ownership for cleaning their area and assisting with emptying the new trash containers.
As you can see this is a collaborative effort between ANA, many City departments, and local businesses.
Join us on Saturday, September 21st at 8 am to take back our beach and make it clean again.
RSVP to info@amapaspv.com so we know to expect you and provide you with more details. Invite your friends and neighbors. Let’s make a difference!
It’s great to have goals and plans, but the reality is you also need money to make it happen. Your ANA yearly dues are not sufficient to cover the costs of the work that needs to be done. We have a plan for that!
Four different fundraising events will occur during the upcoming high season.
- Mariachis, Margaritas, and More: November 30, 2019
- ANAual Giving: November – December
- ANA Annual Dinner Dance and Auction—60’s Flashback
The funds from these events will go directly to help ANA make the following specific purchases.
- Garbage cans and containers on the highway and beach
- Initiating and maintaining the Clean Beach Project
- Topes and vibradores on the highway
- Signage on the highway, such as Pedestrian Crossing, Intersection Ahead, Slow Down, etc. (These would, of course, be in Spanish.)
- Street lights in identified areas
Help ANA achieve its goals by supporting these fundraising efforts!
The Amapas Neighborhood Association has many ways of interacting with our wonderful members—from our monthly Meet-and-Greets where we get to know you better and where we update you on our work, and, most importantly, we hear your concerns—to our fundraiser and annual events.
Mariachis, Margaritas and More is a cool fundraiser held in the City Hall courtyard where restaurants donate food and we make the fun! All money raised goes to improving a public area, such as a sidewalk, a green space, a street, etc. This event is a joint effort with our neighbor the Emiliano Zapata Viejo Vallarta Association and funds go towards the betterment of both communities. (learn more: http://amapaspv.com/mariachis-margaritas-and-more/)
The ANA Dinner Dance is an upscale party that celebrates our accomplishments and is our biggest fundraiser. We have an exciting event planned. Stay tuned for more information.
ANA also hosts small fundraisers throughout the year to support specific projects, like our Delicious Fundraiser for the Pilitas Stair Project that was held at Eclecticos Restaurant on August 3rd. We had great turnout, especially for the summer season, and we would like to thank everyone who made the evening such a success! (more info: http://amapaspv.com/andador-pilitas-stairwell-project/)
We know it may look like we do a lot of socializing, but promotion and publicity are very important to our work and we like to get the word out on all of our great projects. So please join us at one our informal gatherings where we all can share some food, a drink, exchange ideas and build our ANA community.
Our mission is to create a clean, safe, accessible neighborhood, but we can only do it with your support. So we invite you to party with us, work with us, and contribute to ANA!
More info: admin@amapaspv.com
“Dream big! If you build it they will come.” Those are the motivating words of Joyce Ericson, ANA member, and organizer of this year’s Dinner Dance Auction Procurement Committee. Let’s do it!
Joyce has years of experience organizing live and silent auctions for the Seattle Men’s Gay Chorus. She brings those experiences to ANA and knows how to organize for the highest impact. ANA is so lucky to have her expertise pushing us forward.
How can you help if you’re in the States? In many ways! As you are shopping at your favorite stores (Trader Joes, Target, Macy’s, William Sonoma), think of those things that you wish you had here when you’re in Puerto Vallarta. You know things like spices, kitchen utensils, meat thermometers, hostess gifts, napkins, guest towels, appetizer picks, or wine plugs. Or maybe your basket tends to go towards fine chocolates, cookies, crackers, cereals or jams. Whatever you desire bring it down with you and donate to the auction. We’re going to pull all of these exotic items into themed baskets that we will offer for purchase at this year’s Dinner Dance.
Here’s another idea! Perhaps you have an art treasure or something of value that no longer has meaning for you. It could be exactly what someone else is looking for! Or what you have is a home or condo up north that someone would like to use while you’re in Puerto Vallarta. It’s a vacation for one of ANA’s fellow members!
The possibilities are endless and would allow you to participate and contribute to ANA’s fundraising efforts. Remember without you and money, ANA cannot move forward with its plans.
So, as you’re shuttling between stores this month think about how you can be a member of this committee from abroad and help ANA achieve its goals. You’ll definitely feel warm and fuzzy inside when you do.
What will the funds go towards?
- Garbage cans and containers on the highway and beach
- Initiating and maintaining the Clean Beach Project
- Topes and vibradores on the highway
- Signage on the highway, such as Pedestrian Crossing, Intersection Ahead, Slow Down, etc. (These would, of course, be in Spanish.)
- Street lights in identified areas
Interested? Please contact Joyce Ericson at info@amapaspv.com.
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