Welcome – Bienvenidos
The Amapas Neighborhood Association is the official association of residents and business owners in the Colonia Amapas of Puerto Vallarta. A volunteer and not-for-profit association with about 350 members, the ANA was founded in 2002 to improve the quality of life in Amapas. We work to keep our neighborhood safe, beautiful, desirable and welcoming to tourists and residents from all countries and walks of life. We are also the official “Junta Vecinal” or neighborhood council for Amapas, the legal representative of the neighborhood to the city government.
Please enjoy exploring our website to learn about Amapas, the ANA and our current projects. You can explore member benefits provided by business sponsors, and learn about responsible development in our beautiful colonia. The Board welcomes your input, questions, comments, help and contributions and links for all of these can be found throughout the site.
Bienvenido a nuestro nuevo sitio web. Lo estamos construyendo con todo el contenido necesario por el momento. Si tienes algun comentario, te pedimos que lo compartas con nosotros a traves de la pagina de Contacto.
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