by amapaspv | Dec 28, 2016 | Garbage, News | Noticias, Street
Lately, we’ve all been noticing uncollected trash piling up around town – not to mention on our streets and driveways – and thinking, ‘Here we go again!’
But this may actually be a sign of better things to come.
A number of City administrations have wrestled with a long-term contract signed by a former mayor, giving Proactiva an expensive monopoly on trash collection. These struggles have resulted in extra costs, delays in service, etc.
However, the Davalos administration has managed to bring all this to a close.
Last week, the Proactiva contract was finally terminated, employees were let go, and at least some trash collection trucks were returned to City control.
What we are experiencing now – hopefully, temporarily – is the less-than-smooth change-over as Puerto Vallarta’s City Services takes control of all trash collection. That means hiring, or re-hiring, drivers and workers, etc.
This week, and for the first few weeks of January, City Services will attempt to continue the ‘old’ pickup schedule – the one we’re all used to. Between the change-over, the backlog, and the holidays, it probably won’t be pretty.
Viviana Teston, our ANA Administrator, has been on the phone, advising and reminding City Services that they’re falling farther and farther behind in our area – unfortunately, that’s all we can do for now.
And, of course, the timing couldn’t be worse for visiting tourists.
But, as soon as City Hall formalizes new routes, pickup schedules and rules, we’ll advise you via email updates like this one, and posts on our website and Facebook. And we’ll inform your Administrators, as well. It’s hard to look for the silver lining as you step over piles of uncollected trash on your way to dinner or the beach, but, this time, there may actually be one!
ANA will keep you posted.
by amapaspv | Dec 12, 2016 | Minutes | Minutas, Street
Todavía tenemos trabajo que hacer, en el que se estará trabajando el día de hoy.
El día de hoy no se llevará acabo ningún trabajo por ser día feriado para el ayuntamiento por el día de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, pero el martes el equipo de Obras Públicas estará limpiando y removiendo el escombro, el Miércoles se verterá el cemento en el último tramo que conecta con la carretera.
Se seguirá trabajando un poco más, pero esto será después de año nuevo, cuando los trabajadores del ayuntamiento regresen de vacaciones.
Queremos agradecerles a los trabajadores por su trabajo duro y especialmente al Ing. Fernando Hernández por su dedicación y empeño como supervisor del Proyecto. Sin su determinación de conseguir que las huellas se terminaran y la calle pudiera ser reabierta antes de navidad, seguramente estaríamos todavía trabajando en la primera parte de la huella de subida.
Muchas gracias también a los miembros de Amapas y a los Edificios y Vecinos que contribuyeron con el dinero que fue necesario para conseguir este proyecto largamente esperado y muy necesario en nuestra calle.
Somos ANA. Y juntos logramos que las cosas se hagan.
by amapaspv | Dec 12, 2016 | News | Noticias, Street
We’ve got a little more work to do, but we’ll finish up this week.
No road work today, in honor of Sta. Maria de Guadalupe, but Tuesday our Obras Publica-supplied road crew will be busy clearing and removing the last of the debris, and Wednesday we’ll pour that last little section down at the highway.
There’s a little more to be done after that, but it’ll have to wait until the New Year, when we get our hard-working road crew back.
Special thanks to them, and to Fernando Hernandez, our dedicated and resourceful Project Supervisor. Without his determination to get the tracks laid and the road reopened before Christmas, we would still be trenching the first track.
Thanks, too, to the ANA members, Full Member Buildings, and neighbors who contributed the many pesos necessary to get this long-awaited and much-needed show on the road!
We are ANA. Together we get things done!
by amapaspv | Dec 7, 2016 | News | Noticias

ANA’s membership and neighborhood responsibilities have expanded…and so have we. We’ve outgrown the office (and storage) space provided by Ron Morgan Properties for the past two years – thank you, Ron!
Also, ANA’s many neighborhood improvement projects require more coordination (and begging) at City Hall and outside meetings. So our able Administrator, Viviana Teston, is often away from the office, where she also needs to be available to members.
To maintain our momentum and increase our level of service to Amapas and our members, your Board has hired an Assistant Manager (see below) and rented our own office – 111 Calle Rodolfo Gomez, Office #3 – a glass store-front in Hotel San Marino, across from the Coffee Cup and Barra Light.
This is a big – and necessary – step for ANA.
Once we get settled, we’ll have an official ‘office warming’ – on November 10th, Save the Save the date. In the meantime, we’re open for business 9-5, M-F – come by and visit, pick up your membership card or an updated list of bars, restaurants and businesses offering special benefits to ANA members who show their cards, etc.
by amapaspv | Dec 7, 2016 | News | Noticias, Street
In order to complete the new cement tracks before Christmas, Hortensias will be CLOSED between Villas Loma Linda and Highway 200, from now through next Tuesday, December 13.
Please use ‘the back way’ along Hortensias to Pulpito.
Yesterday, to speed things along, we rented TWO backhoes – one to cut the second track, the other to scoop the cobbles and broken concrete out of it.
The two machines – working alongside our Obras Publicas crew – did in one day what would have taken the crew alone several weeks of jack-hammering.
Starting today, we are renting a dump truck and loader to clear away all the cobblestones and debris from the two tracks.
In the run-up to the City’s Christmas break, Obras Publicas support has been, let’s just say, less than optimal. ANA is doing our best to take up the slack and get the work done. We rented the backhoes, truck and loader to save time and reduce noise and inconvenience for our members and neighbors.
Subject to schedule changes from City Hall and more weird weather:
Today, Wednesday, Dec 7: cleaning and forming the new track by hand.
Thursday, Dec 8: two concrete pours & finishing, plus cleaning and forming.
Friday, Dec 9: two concrete pours & finishing, plus cleaning and forming.
Saturday, December 10: two final concrete pours and finishing.
The fresh cement we pour this week will have to cure, so we can’t drive on it — no matter how ‘solid’ it looks – for three more days. Please respect the new cement – and all our hard work – during the curing process.
This week, Hortensias will be completely blocked by the cement truck during the pours. The dump truck and loader will also block the street as they scoop up and take away the old cobblestones.
Our goal is to complete all the concrete pouring on Saturday, and fully reopen Hortensias to traffic on Wednesday morning, December 14, and for the rest of the holidays.
As you probably know, City Hall pretty much shuts down for the last two weeks of the year. Any part of the repaving that hasn’t been finished by the 14th, we’ll resume and complete after New Years.
Thanks, as always, for your patience – some inconvenience is unavoidable, and it’s a short-term annoyance that will produce a long-term benefit for us all.
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