Hi {FIRST_NAME|Valued Customer},
As a result of the conference call we held on March 31st with 12 members of the Amapas Neighborhood Association and condo administrators, we agree to help distribute the official information to all our members coming from Mexico, Jalisco and Puerto Vallarta.
One question brought by the condo administrators was:
The following information provided by the Federal Health Department of Mexico through his sub-director Hugo Lopez Gatell, has been translated hoping to be a tool to condo administrators and residents at this time of contingency.
Amapas Neighborhood Association is committed to sharing only official and confirmed information from official sources such as: www.gob.mx, www.puertovallarta.gob.mx, www.jalisco.gob.mx, www.who.int
#STAYHOME #QuédateEnCasa
As of March 30, the following measures apply:
1. The suspension until April 30 of non-essential activities in the public, private and social sectors is ordered.
2. In the sectors determined as essential, meetings of more than 50 people should not be held and basic hygiene, prevention and healthy distance measures should always be applied.
3. The entire population residing in Mexican territory is encouraged to comply with the co-responsible domiciliary receipt (voluntary limitation of mobility).
4. Home protection is strictly applied to anyone over 60 years of age, pregnant women, or people with chronic or autoimmune diseases.
5. After April 30, the Health Secretariats, in coordination with the Labor and Economy Secretariats, will issue guidelines for the gradual resumption of activities.
6. All censuses and surveys are postponed until further notice.
7. All measures must be applied with strict adherence and respect for human rights.
To face the coronavirus we need your cooperation.
a) Those that are directly necessary to attend the health emergency, such as:
the labor activities of the medical, paramedical, administrative and support branches throughout the health sector, public and private.
those who participate in its supply, services and supply, among which stand out:
the pharmaceutical sector both in its production and its distribution (pharmacies);
b) Those involved in:
public safety and citizen protection; in the defense of integrity and national sovereignty;
the procurement and impartation of justice, legislative activity at the federal and state levels.
c) The sectors considered essential for the fundamental functioning of the economy:
financial, that of tax collection, distribution and sale of energy, gas and gas stations, generation and distribution of drinking water, food and non-alcoholic beverages industry, food markets, supermarkets, self-service stores, grocery and prepared food sales; passenger and cargo transportation services; … telecommunications and the media, private emergency services,
funeral and burial services,…logistics (airports, ports and railways), as well as activities whose suspension may have irreversible effects for its continuation.
d) The operation of government social programs.
e) The conservation and maintenance of critical infrastructure that ensures the production and distribution of essential services:
drinking water, electric power, gas, petroleum,
gasoline, jet fuel, basic sanitation, public transport, first level hospital and medical infrastructure; among others that could be defined under this category.
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