At 1 PM of last March 16th., Mayor Arturo Davalos cut the ceremonial orange ribbon, officially opening La Casita for service to the South Side as a dozen high-ranking City officials, members of the ANA Board, and ANA member-contributors looked on.

La Casita will act as a substation for 24/7 emergency services – police, fire and ambulance – from Amapas,    south     to    Boca de Tomatlan, substantially reducing response-time for our area.

Long in the planning, the City had the white-washed, red tile-roofed bungalow on Highway 200 and the manpower to staff it… but not the money for furniture and equipment to support round-the-clock services.

So the ANA, its members, friends and neighbors, including Conchas Chinas, got together and raised over $8,000 USD = $135,000 pesos to buy office furniture, a Pullman kitchen (complete with refrigerator & coffee maker), bunk beds, mattresses and sheets, tables and chairs.  We even stocked the fridge!

A well-attended fundraising party at ANA Board member Gene Mendoza’s Fusion Restaurant – with 50% of all food and beverage sales, and 100% of everything else, going to the cause –  included the ‘adoption’ of various items by good-hearted donors.  A good time was had by all, including a number of Bomberos, but  ANA also opened a website so people who couldn’t attend the party were still able to make online donations.

Mayor Davalos was generous in his thanks and praise for the ANA’s efforts, and we look forward to continuing our partnership with City Hall on other projects that benefit Amapas.

ANA plans to continue supporting our police and Bomberos with needed equipment, so it’s not too late to make a contribution.  You can go online to  www.GoFundMe.com/PVCasita — or contact Viviana at admin@amapaspv.com or our office phone 322-244-0185.




More than ten ‘new’ street lights now brighten the night along Highway 200 on the curve at the beginning of Amapas, between Calle Pulpito and Privada Los Pinos, including two new street lights on Privada Los Pinos.

The light posts themselves have been there – but dark – for years.

But earlier this month, your ANA paid the cost of new wire and Alumbrado Público (city hall department) provided the labor, to restore power to the dark lights – your ANA – and your annual dues – at work.

To recommend other Amapas-area improvement projects you’d like to see – or help co-ordinate them – contact ANA Administrator Viviana Teston at admin@amapaspv.com.


Hurracane alerts and mudslides reports

Due the hurricane season has started, and been 2015 the four Eastern Pacific Hurricane season that have recorded their third name storm by June 11, it can be a very active season.
It can bring a lot of good raining and relieve on the heat, but it is important to be informed and protect in case of an imminent hurricane hit.
This week we will be having the remains of Carlos a Category 1 hurricane near Puerto Vallarta, rainfalls as a total of 3 to 6 inches are possible through Thursday morning. Life-threatening flash floods and mudslides are possible, particularly over mountainous terrain (Amapas upper side).
Since Carlos is a small storm, this rainfall may occur only in localized areas,some mudslides has occurred and Proteccion Civil and the Firefighters on Conchas Chinas at “la casita” station are working to clean up and open roads; for instance this morning they were working on highway 200, also around Gardenias Street passing Avalon.

ANA is working on sending the reports to them, if needed, so please email at: admin@amapaspv.com with location and pics of the mudslide.

Please be safe, be aware of the official reports


New Police Trucks Finally in Service

Gene Mendoza with PV 252

Gene Mendoza with PV 252

PUERTO VALLARTA 14 MARCH 2014:  Today the Puerto Vallarta Municipal Police presented the new police truck #252 which has begun regular patrols of Amapas, Conchas Chinas and points south.   This is part of a contingent of 50 police vehicles now in service after a several-months-long delay.

Officers assigned to the unit will be from the Tourist Police, who speak English.

President Tom Swale, Board Member and ANA Security Chief Gene Mendoza and ANA Treasurer Don Pickens met with SubDirector Rigoberto Espinoza and Comandante of Tourist Police Felipe Camacho to discuss patrolling strategies.

Espinoza presented the names of the following officers who will be assigned to Amapas.  The ANA has asked for a stable group of officers so that we know our patrols and they know the area, and we are pleased to know the officers now.   The police organize 3 shifts as follows:

  • A Group:  Martin Cutberto Cervantes Camacho, Juan Antonio Huerta Gonzales
  • B Group: Jorge Cañas Rodriguez and Marco Polo Covarrubias
  • C Group: Alfonso Benavidez Alcantar and Francisco Javier Saucedo Jacobo

Coordinating with Mendoza, the police will begin nightly checkpoint logging again, including many of the major buildings in different parts of Amapas that have 24 hour security.  We have outfitted the car with a new cell phone for incoming calls to the local patrol, and a floodlight.

The ANA Board is grateful that during the two months of private patrols, we know of only one break-in in the area.  The SEPEPSA patrol has been effective, and will end its patrol in late March.


New Private Security Patrol for Amapas

sepepsa-logo123 JANUARY 2014 Puerto Vallarta:  On January 11, the Amapas Police Patrol car was totaled in a police chase.

The car, owned by the Amapas Neighborhood Association, was purchased with member contributions in June, 2012, and has been maintained with ANA funds. During its 18 months of service, break-ins throughout Amapas declined dramatically. The car patrolled Amapas 24/7 under a contract with the City, which promised to man it with two officers, gas and insure it.

Unfortunately, due to financial problems, the City had allowed its insurance on police cars to lapse. This means that neither the ANA car, nor other police patrols that are damaged are being put back in service.

The ANA is negotiating with the city for an in-kind settlement of value for the car in benefits for the neighborhood.  However, now there are no police cars to patrol Amapas.

Your Neighborhood Association has stepped up to this crisis by contracting with SEPEPSA – a well-recognized and effective local Security company – to provide an interim Amapas Security Patrol beginning today.

The Amapas Security Patrol will operate nightly, cruising all our streets. The driver will speak English, be in radio contact with Police HQ so it can call for official backup and law enforcement. It will also carry a cellphone, so ANA members and contributors can call it directly, in case of emergency. (ANA 2014 members may obtain the number by writing to amapaspv@gmail.com).

The cost to the ANA for this emergency Security patrol will be approximately $25,000 pesos a month, for a total of $75,000 pesos for the three month period before new police cars are expected to arrive for the city. At the ANA’s Annual Meeting last Friday, generous members approved this expenditure and contributed an amazing $42,000 pesos in cash and pledges, leaving an additional $33,000 to be raised through additional contributions by members and neighbors.

Everybody in Amapas benefits from this new Amapas Private Security Patrol. Anything you can contribute will help:

ONLINE: contribute your share online at www.casacupula.com/payment. Just type “ANA Security Patrol” in the “what you are paying for” box, enter the amount in dollars you wish to contribute, and pay with your U.S. credit card. The site is secure, and you’ll receive an e-receipt, along with our thanks.

You can email your pledge to amapaspv@gmail.com – we’ll get in touch with you and make arrangements to donate via cash or Mexican check to the ANA.